Thursday 1 February 2018

Benefits of almonds : Five benefits of almonds

Benefits of almonds: FIVE benefits of almonds

Almonds are an incredibly popular tree nut

Despite being high in fat, they are extremely nutritious and extremely healthy.

almond benefits

Here are nine proof-based health benefits of almonds

1. Deliver a large quantity of almond nutrients

Almond tree Pranas is a food seed on the dalit material, which is usually called almond tree.

It is the Middle East's origin, but the United States is now the world's largest producer.

Almonds are usually removed because we buy in the store, while talking about walnuts in the food.

They sell either raw (often called "natural") or roasted.

Almond has an incredibly effective nutrient profile

Works in an ounce of almond (28 grams, or small fists) :

Fiber: 3.5g

Protein: 6 grams

Fats: 14 grams (9 of which are monounsaturated)

Vitamin E: 37% of RDA

Manganese: 32% of RDA

Magnesium: 20% of RDA

They also contain a decent amount of copper, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and phosphorus.

It is all from a small handful, which provides only 161 calories and 2.5 grams of digestible carbohydrate.

It is also important to note that 10-15% almond calories are not absorbed by the body, because the use of fat and rupture  is difficult.

Almond is also high in fatty acids, this substance that binds some minerals and prevents them from absorbing. This means that the amount of iron, zinc and calcium obtained from almonds will be reduced to some extent.

Ground level:

Almond is a very popular tree nut. It is high in healthy monounsaturated fats, fibers, proteins and various important nutrients.

2. Almonds are filled with antioxidants

Almonds are excellent sources of antioxidants

Antioxidant oxidative support in preventing stress, which can damage molecules in cells and contribute to diseases like aging and cancer .

The powerful antioxidant in almonds is largely concentrated in the brown layer of the skin.

For this reason, removal of almonds (removed skin) is not the best choice in health perspective.

These findings are in support of another study, which found that some alarms of oxidative damage  decreased due to eating almonds with main food.

Ground level:

It is high in antioxidant, So it can protect their cells from oxidative damage, which is a major contributor to old age and disease.

3. It is high in vitamin E, So it prevents damage to your cell membrane

Vitamin E is the name of fat-soluble antioxidant group.

These antioxidants produce cells in the cell membrane, protect cells from oxidative damage.

Almonds are among the best sources of vitamin E, in which daily daily consumption is only 37% of one ounce daily

In many studies, high vitamin E is linked to low rates of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Ground level:

Almonds are among the best sources of vitamin E in the world. Foods are associated with many health benefits

4. Almonds Can Help With Blood Sugar Control

Caps are less crazy, but high in healthy fats, proteins and fibers.

This gives them the right choice for diabetics.

However, there is a significant amount of magnesium in which almonds are

Magnesium is a mineral containing more than 300 physical processes, including blood sugar control.

Currently the quantity recommended for magnesium is 310-420 mg, with two ounces almonds available, which is about half, with significant mineral 150 mg

It has been found that 25-38% of type 2 diabetes mellitus has decreased, and decreased blood glucose level decreases and improves the function of insulin.

Interestingly, people with diabetes mellitus find decrease in insulin resistance.

As a result high magnesium foods (like almonds) can be beneficial for prevention of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes,  which are heavy health problems today

Ground level:

It is very high in magnesium, a mineral which most people do not get enough of. High magnesium intake may have major benefits for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

5. There are also benefits for magnesium blood pressure levels

Magnesium can also help reduce blood pressure levels in almonds.

High blood pressure is one of the major drivers of heart attack, stroke and kidney failure.

The lack of magnesium is associated with severe blood pressure problems, even if you are overweight or not.

Studies have shown that improving the deficiency of magnesium can lead to a large reduction in blood pressure.

It has seen that , most American adults do not meet dietary recommendations for magnesium, adding almonds to the diet can have a major effect.

Ground level:

Low magnesium levels are strongly linked to hypertension, it shows that almonds can be beneficial for blood pressure control.

Take message

Almond : It contains  fibers , healthy fats,, proteins,   vitamin E and magnesium

The health benefits of almonds include decrease in blood glucose levels, blood pressure and low cholesterol levels. They can reduce appetite and promote weight loss.

It is believed that all things, almonds can be perfect as a meal.

An Evidence Based Nutrition Article of Our Experts on Nutrition Nutrition

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